It’s soo easy to become fixated on hustle culture. On creating a bad azz development plan that will take you to new heights and lead you to all the opportunities you could ever want. One problem is that these plans don’t take into account that you’re a whole human being and you need to be satisfied in multiple areas in order to be your best. This post will take you through what those 9 categories are and how you can tune into each one.
I’ve tried all my life to become a robot. To be incredibly hardworking and successful and it was a miserable time. We underestimate our value and we forget that in order to grow and develop we need to think about every part of our lives. And when you’re fixated on one thing like your career then you don’t realize how life could be way more satisfying. Also what you do outside of work completely affects your work-life.
I mean I’m sure we’ve all seen those influencers or celebrities that seem to have it all. And they do because they work to have it all. Each category needs its moment to shine. And once you make time for all nine of these items you’ll realize how easy it is to live your dream life. I could hardly believe that I could make time for it all. But now that I’ve started, I’m falling in love with myself and it’s amazing.
Not only will these items lead you to become a boss, but this is literally how to date yourself. So get ready for a whirlwind romance.
This post is all about what you need to include in your development plan in order to become a major boss.
9 Items for your Development Plan
1) Physically Challenging
Granted if your job is labor intensive then no need to find activities to fulfill this side of you. However for all of us who spend hours every day sitting in front of a screen – well listen up. It is not natural. We were given five senses in order to use them. After all, they say sitting is the new cigarette for a reason. It’s totally bad for your health.
And I get it. It’s hard to make time for something that takes so much energy and time. But once you build the habit it actually ends up fueling you.
Start not only by looking for something physical but make sure that it’s challenging. Walking around in circles will do you no good. So join a gym, learn a sport or take a class. Your body is waiting for you.
2) Mentally Stimulating
Unless your job is a constant challenge where your responsibilities are changing every other month don’t skip this step. We actually become stupider when we’re not using our full capabilities. Also preparing for the future or possible opportunities will only help you in the long run.
I’m a huge lover of taking classes to learn something new but if you don’t have the ability to fully engross yourself in a new subject outside of work then open yourself to other avenues of learning.
This could be as simple as reading something new, watching smart tv, or listening to podcasts. When I say smart tv I mean national geographic, documentaries, and conversations led by world leaders. Something that gives you an understanding of the world around you and how things operate. And not just a bunch of people who are clearly trying to sell you something and are in desperate need of attention.
3) Spiritually fulfilling
We all need some space for ourselves. A space where we feel supported and can freely express or entertain our beliefs. The most classic example of this is attending church or following a specific religion.
But it could also include yoga, ideas revolving around manifestation, practicing an art form, or all of it.
All that matters is you have a place where you can be completely vulnerable. Where you go to find peace and quiet. We live in such a fast and loud world, if you don’t take the time to ground yourself, you’ll blow away.
4) Nutritionally Beneficial
Health is wealth and you are what you eat. Make sure you’re choosing foods that fuel you and don’t harm you in the long run. Sometimes there’s an art form to finding the perfect balance.
Let’s say you love coffee, but you can’t sleep at night because you drink it all day. Well, that’s no good. That’s harming you. So don’t do that. Make sure your nutritional habits align with what you want and what you desire out of life.
We all know the more colorful our food the healthier it is and the less processed we eat, the better we’ll be off. Open yourself up to learning about different cuisines by eating at different restaurants. And go to farmer’s markets to discover new fruits and vegetables.
5) Socially Exciting
We are a society that is built on community. So take the time to be a part of one. It’s so easy to think no I need to focus on this or that, or no I can’t spend money on that. And believe me, those are the excuses I used for years and it only hurt me in the long run.
Having others that you can connect with and that you can laugh with and share with is such a beautiful part of life. It makes things more fun, you learn more about yourself and it gives you something to look forward to.
So don’t turn down those coffee chats. And if you’re not being invited to anything then invite someone else out. You could also do this by joining a class or starting a random conversation with someone on the street. Not everything needs to be done via an app 🙂
6) Educationally Enlightening
Unlike mental stimulation whose sole purpose is to get you to like thinking, educationally enlightening is about learning something new. Now, this can fall into the realm of something physical. For example, I’m learning how to swim. This is educational in that it’s something new that I’m learning how to do. Something else that could be educationally enlightening is learning more about your communication skills and maybe even your love language.
At the end of the day, we should constantly be working to better ourselves and that means learning something new that will adjust or change our way of life. Or at least our perspective on it.
Also, it could be quite thrilling to learn something that could lead you to have an epiphany. For example, I love therapy because I’m constantly learning new things about the different relationship dynamics in my life.
7) Logically Comprehensible
Whatever your goal or plan is make sure there is a level of reality in them. There need to be steps that you can take now and they need actual deadlines and plans attached to them. Once they go into the realm of something that is not accessible (at the moment) then it’s purely delusional.
For example, my goal can’t just be to go to Mars and think that I’m going to get there by writing Elon Musk a letter. No, I need to know what skill sets and diplomas I need to achieve before even being considered, and then I can work towards those.
Sometimes we think our dreams are impossible but that’s never the case. It’s that you’re working towards the wrong goal. You need to get to the hill before you can climb it.
8) Motivational
One thing I absolutely love about the influencer culture is how easy it is to find someone motivational. I’m obsessed with watching the lives of those I admire. It brings me comfort and encouragement.
And believe me, if you’re going to be working towards achieving anything in life it’ll be hard and you’ll want that carrot on a stick to nudge you forward.
Obviously, your motivation doesn’t have to come in the form of an influencer, it could be an idea, a vision board, someone you know, or anything that makes you happy. Just make sure it’s a flame that you can keep lit.
9) Childlike Inspired
I’ve never liked the idea of losing your childhood ambitions or reality coming in and changing all of your dreams. It’s important to keep parts of your childhood that made you feel happy alive and well. And it doesn’t need to be something profitable or productive.
For example, I’ve always loved dancing and I once wanted to be a dancer. I don’t plan to pursue it as a career but doing dance classes now leaves me feeling giddy with excitement. Make sure that you allow yourself to have that escape. Maybe it’s something you can incorporate into your daily life, like my drawings. They mean the world to me, I’ve drawn all my life and I draw an image for every blog post. It has nothing to do with the blog post but I incorporate it because the writings inspire them and then I feel like I’m giving you all of me.
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