Are we meant to capture inspiration? To share with others the things that have illuminated our paths?
Well, that seems like a rhetorical question but it’s a question we easily dismiss once greeted with obstacles. And who can blame us? Magic is beautiful because we don’t understand it. And once we do it diminishes the wonder because now you’re tasked with a responsibility.
For example, who is Santa Claus? You and I are Santa Claus. The minute we learned that we realize that a new financial responsibility has entered our lives. The action of giving and receiving is beautiful but leading up to that transaction is pure work.
The same goes for capturing inspiration and performing as an artist. Many may marvel at your work but first, you need to accept the task of chiseling a statue out of marble.
So what do you need to do to get in the right frame of mind? Honestly, I struggle with this every day but here are the things that keep me on my path.
You are not perfect. You weren’t meant to be perfect and nobody expects you to be perfect. That is an idea that you will ignore for the rest of your life. And I don’t expect you to adopt this way of thinking. Hey if you don’t strive for perfection then you’ll never create your best work. What I mean by acknowledgment is accepting that your life will always be a battle. Because you have accepted an unachievable task. So don’t waste time trying to find a way out. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
If you’re an artist you’re a sensitive soul. You cry during heartwarming commercials and you’ll always be upset with the state of humanity. Since people are the worst. That being said you need to take breaks. Sleep and having affairs with other art forms are needed to keep you fueled. Without it, you’ll cripple under the weight of your decisions. Leading you to complete paralyzation, one where there’s no point of return. This is not burnout this is worse. You’ll be questioning your existence and your art form. The holiest of divine energies and it’ll hate you for it. It could lead you to give up and abandon your love. Something that happens to the majority of us.
Move baby
Any step forward is a step forward. Sure it’s great to have this whole strategy created but it really doesn’t add value to your art. Thinking about how and when you’ll perform within your art form is utter bullshit unless you work at your craft. Sure it’s nice to think about but planning is separate. When you’re planning that’s all you’re doing. Don’t confuse it with the task at hand. I can’t say this enough!
Be kind Rewind
If you grow exhausted. You lose all hope in your destiny. And the last thing you want to do is see yourself in your art, then I say someone has been a little tough on themselves. Remember you’re allowed to take breaks. If you need to step away and refill your well, that doesn’t make you the worse human in the world. Remember to celebrate your small wins. Anything you complete is an accomplished task. Enjoy and savor those moments. Working on your craft doesn’t have to be a masochist act. Remember overall you’re human. Creating costs pieces of yourself. Pieces that are not measurable. Pieces that exist and deserve their moments of grieving, pleasure, and courage.
In Conclusion
Overall inspiration and art are scary things because we don’t fully understand their origins. It’s a magical act and you need to be brave to prosper. So carry on soldier and don’t stop till you get enough.
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